July 19, 2024 – Appointment of Colleen Lauzier as the new Assistant Director General

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June 20, 2024 – Important Information Regarding REACH School Projects

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June 19, 2024 – Groundbreaking Ceremony at CET-A

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June 11, 2024 – Chantale Scroggins Appointed Director General

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April 18, 2024 – Director General, Lucie Roy, Retires

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February 12, 2024 – Accelerated Construction Initiative

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October 11, 2023 – Major Government Financial Contribution Paves the Way for a State-of-the-Art Centre of expertise in Transport

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October 30, 2023 – Our Commitment-to-Success Plan 2023-2027 just launched!

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Congratulations de Colleen Lauzier, new Educational Services Director!

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September 8, 2023 – The Quebec English School Boards Association (QESBA) is extremely disappointed with the Premier’s announcement today that his government will appeal the Bill 40 judgement.

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August 2, 2023- QESBA Thrilled with Superior Court Ruling in Bill 40

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Congratulations, Lucie, on your PROCEDE Award!

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October 20, 2022 – QESBA welcomes new Minister of Education

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Congratulations to Valérie Bergeron, New Director of Complementary Services!

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Congratulations to Chantale Scoggins, New Assistant Director General!

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Congratulations to Ms. Lucie Roy!

The appointment of a new Director General was unanimously approved by the members of the Riverside School Board Council of Commissioners.

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April 21, 2022 – Verification Work on School Buses

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March 22, 2022 – Riverside School Board is pleased to announce its agreement with the Centre de services scolaire Marie-Victorin to transfer a parcel of land for the construction of a new school building.

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A special message to Sylvain from Dan Lamoureux and the Council of Commissioners.

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February 23, 2022 – Director General, Sylvain Racette, will step down from his position in April 2022.

Read Communiqué

March 31, 2021 – Important message from Director of the Montérégie DSP, Dre Julie Loslier.

Several Serious Cases of Counterfeit Xanax Overdose

News Release – May 28, 2020
QESBA files legal action on Bill 40

Press release: Le ministère de l’Éducation et de l’Enseignement supérieur victime d’un vol de donnée

A telephone line is available to answer questions from teachers or former teachers at 1-877-644-4545.