Dear Parents of Students attending Riverside School Board,

On July 15, 2022, we sent a communiqué informing the RSB community of the impact of the province-wide situation regarding school transportation.

At this time, we regret to inform you that the transporters involved in the negotiations have rejected the latest offer. This leaves us with the possibility that transportation (yellow school buses) will not be available for the majority of our students to start the 2022-2023 school year. The only transportation means confirmed at this moment are Berlines (e.g., REACH School) and RTL buses (public transportation for Centennial Regional High School, Saint-Lambert International High School as well as several students from Heritage Regional High School). The students who are included in this confirmed transport will receive an email with their Transportation Notice by August 24, 2022.

If the negotiations do not produce a favorable outcome very shortly, many parents will be faced with having to find alternate means for getting their child to and from school. As always, our first consideration is to the safety of all our students. Please note that distance education is not currently anticipated as a possible option.

To provide parents with some assistance, Riverside School Board is asking all parents to complete a survey to indicate their current situation in terms of getting their child to and from school. Through the results of this survey, we will be better able to understand the needs and identify how we can support you and your child through this challenge. The deadline for parents to complete the survey is August 22nd.

In anticipation of the higher volume of traffic around the schools, we want to emphasize the importance of safety and security. The Police Community Liaison Officer of each school will be asked to assist with the car traffic around the schools.

If the negotiations are successful before August 31st, we will have the yellow buses on the road and ready for the first day of school. As usual, the transportation routes will be posted on Mozaik Portail Parents.

After two years of insecurity and uncertainty linked to the pandemic, we are hoping for smooth and safe start to the school year. We remain optimistic that this matter will be resolved in time for the first day of school. However, if it does not, we ask parents to remain calm and positive, as we continue to work together, in the best interest of our students.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Thank you for completing the survey by August 22d.