Top 5
Great News
We are very happy to announce that Riverside School Board has done remarkably well with its provincial graduation and qualification rate.
Our graduation and qualification rate after 7 years (cohort 2014-2021) according to the most recent data from the ministry is 88.5%.
Riverside ranks 1st in Montérégie.
Riverside ranks 4th among English School Boards in the province of Québec.
Riverside ranks 5th among the 72 school boards and school service centres in the province of Québec.
Bravo to our students, staff, and community for the exceptional work in reaching these amazing results!

Emergency Closures for Inclement Weather or Bad Road Conditions
School closures due to inclement weather are, by nature, unpredictable. Living in Canada, parents do not expect school boards to shut down every time snow is forecast, but we all want the children to be safe. That is why it is with great care that these decisions are taken.
Based on the expert advice of our transporters, the state of the roads and on the weather forecast a decision is made early in the morning. Understanding the major impact on our community when we need to close the school board, the population is informed as early as possible in the morning through the media, Facebook, Twitter and our website.
Riverside School Board has decided to implement a partial school closure procedure affecting only certain problematic areas. Please read the following communiqués regarding the Sorel area and St. Johns School area.
Partial School Closure Sorel Sector
Partial School Closure St. Johns School Sector
Please also take note, that when Riverside School Board closes its schools, Greenfield Park Primary International school (GPI) will also be closed to its students (including students from Marie-Victorin School Board that attend GPI).

School Transportation Services
We are happy to let you know that since the beginning of October, all our bus routes have designated bus drivers. The situation is therefore improving. However, transporters still do not have a “Back-up Team” in case a bus driver is unable to work. Consequently, we need to continue to share our Transporters’ job opportunities and be patient until the situation improves. However, we were able to help out parents and students by adding hours of supervision in schools affected by recurring service failures.
It is following last year’s pilot project with MTransport, where more than 90% of parents who responded to the survey said they were satisfied with the Mtransport system, that we will now start deploying this system on all our yellow buses and berlines.
mTransport is a mobile logistics solution for tracking transported students and vehicles. mTransport increase student safety by increasing the quality, reliability, and simplicity of communications between all school transport stakeholders.
This tool will allow the school board to follow the movements of its vehicles in real time and allow certain information to be transmitted to parents via an application installed on their smart phones thanks to the personalized map for the student and electronic tablets installed in school vehicles. This project is part of a concern to ensure the safety of the students transported.
At this time, many busses have the system in place, and the students’ transportation ID cards will be created in the coming weeks.

Problem Resolution Procedure
Before beginning the official complaint process, make sure you have benefited from the school and the services of the school board’s assistance to help you resolve a situation. By visiting our webpage, you will find all the necessary information to begin the problem resolution process.
Prior to filing an official complaint, you must follow the steps as outlined in the Problem Resolution Procedure.
Thank you for your usual cooperation.

Upcoming Important Dates
November 15, 2022 – Regular Meeting of the Council of Commissioners at 7:30 pm
November 24, 2022 – Pedagogical Day (Elementary & High Schools – except GPI)
November 25, 2022 – Pedagogical Day (Elementary & High Schools – except GPI)
November 25, 2022 – Centennial Regional High School 50th Anniversary Event

Congratulations to Chantale Scroggins, new Assistant Director General, and to Valérie Bergeron, new Director of Complementary Services!

Our Schools Need You!
We are looking for lunch monitors, supervisors, attendants and technicians.
Contact the school of your choice or send your CV to riversidecv@rsb.qc.ca.