It is strategic planning time at Riverside School Board. We have already consulted with a number of groups. If you wish to participate in an online consultation towards the creation of our new Commitment-to-Success Plan, please complete a form using the link below. The information to join the meeting will be provided to you by email before the event, only if you have submitted the registration form.
The online consultation will take place January 31, 2023, 6:30 to 8:00.

Registration of students NEW to Riverside
The official Enrolment Period for the 2023-2024 school year begins on February 6, 2023.
(Please note that no appointments will be given prior to this date.)
The registration process for students new to Riverside School Board is fully online. It is essential to review all questions and steps, provided in order, on the Registration page of our website.
You have friends or neighbors that would love to register their children to Riverside, but are not sure if they are eligible for English instruction? They can visit the Registration page of our website and find out with a quick assessment of their situation (Step 1).