We are thrilled to welcome back students in our schools on August 31st ! A very warm welcome back to our students, parents, and volunteers! We look forward to a busy and exciting new school year! A special welcome as well to new students, parents, and staff members to the wonderful Riverside Community.
Our schools are so excited to welcome back students in their class!
Please find below a quick list of useful information to start the new school year.
You can now receive Riverside School Board News directly in your inbox. Our Newsletter will be sent to parents periodically throughout the year when we have important information to share.
To register, click here.
School Transportation
We are happy to confirm that your child’s school transportation information is now available on the Mozaik Parents portal. If you have questions regarding your access to Mozaik, please click on the Quick Reference Guide link below or contact your child’s school directly.
Quick Reference Guide
High School Open House
Save the date! Our high schools will open their doors for parents and elementary school students. Friends and neighbors are also invited! Come and discover the programs offered, meet the teachers and students, and visit the classes (gym, science lab, library, etc.). Welcome all!

Centennial Regional High School
September 28, 2022, from 6 pm to 9 pm

Heritage Regional High School
September 29, 2022, from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm
Heritage Regional High School – Respect . Excellence . Pride (rsb.qc.ca)

Saint-Lambert International High School
October 6, 2022, from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm
SLI – Home (saintlambertinternational.org)

St. Johns School
Visits by appointment are offered, please contact the school www.rsb.qc.ca/school/stjohns/
Council of Commissioners’ Meetings
Since March 2021, the Council of Commissioners’ and Executive Committee meetings are recorded. You can view the video recordings of these meetings by clicking on the “video” link next to the date.
Parents can also participate in the Council question period, please visit our website for the links: https://www.rsb.qc.ca/public-meetings/ Next regular meeting will be held on September 20th.
For all meeting dates, click here.
Important Dates for September 2022
First day of school: August 31st. (Please note that GPI starts on August 30th)
Schools, centres and daycare services will be closed on Labour Day: September 5th.
Council of Commissioners’ meeting: September 20th.
Declaration Day: September 30th.
School Calendars
School calendars, including GPI and ACCESS calendars, are available on our website. Click here to visit the page.

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Have a great school year!