Recognizing the catastrophic effect of global warming and climate change on our planet, the South Shore Educational Foundation has encouraged all RSB schools and centers to create learning opportunities for our young people about the harmful effects of climate change and what we can all do to raise awareness in order to effect positive change.

A grant of up to $500 has been awarded to the top ten RSB schools and centers that submitted a project that teaches about climate change and the environment. SSEF would now like to congratulate the following grant recipients for their inspiring projects:

  • 1. St. Lawrence for their Beehive project
  • 2. Courtland Park International for their Zen Garden project
  • 3. Harold Napper for their Pathway of Promises project
  • 4. Good Shepherd for their vermicomposting project
  • 5. John Adam Memorial for their irrigation system
  • 6. Cedar Street for their gardening and composting project
  • 7. REACH for their composting project
  • 8. St-Lambert Elementary on their purchase of books and flowers
  • 9. Heritage Regional Hogh School for their Healing Forest project
  • 10. Terry Fox for their garden project

Donations can be directed to the SSEF “General Fund” to fund other special projects like this in future years.