On Friday, September 23, St-Jude school community gathered in the courtyard to celebrate the school’s 60th anniversary.

Nearly 200 people joined in the festivities, including parents, old and new staff members, administrators, commissioners, volunteers, and of course a few students.

Special guests were also present, including Ms. Romanado, Member of Parliament for Longueuil–Charles-LeMoyne, as well as Ms. Rasmussen and Mr. Normandin, councilors for the Greenfield Park borough. Thank you for your support!

Several activities were on the menu to commemorate the event: guided tour, time capsule, Memory Lane Wall, etc. Members of Greenfield Park community (some of them for over 60 years!) had the opportunity to exchange, share and reminisce fondly about many stories and memories. An evening full of emotions! Thank you for sharing your stories with us!

Congratulations to St. Jude School superstar team, staff, students and volunteers, for your incredible team work, community spirit, and overall success! Bravo!