Leading Our Children Back to School

How can we lead our children back to school amid all of the changes COVID-19 has brought? What do we do with their worries (and ours), as we face uncharted waters? How do we prepare them for physical distancing and other new regulations that schools will have to impose? This webinar will address these questions and more. It will help parents to take the lead with their children and give them some tips for managing the emotions and behaviours that will arise as a result of this new way of being in schools. 

Please note that this presentation will NOT deal with the medical aspects of COVID-19, nor specific rules in each school. Rather, it addresses the emotional needs of our children as we prepare them to re-enter school. 

Speaker: Eva de Gosztonyi, M.A. is a psychologist who has worked for over 45 years in schools across Canada. She is the Co-ordinator of the Centre of Excellence for Behaviour Management, a support to the ten English School Boards of Quebec, helping them to provide effective interventions for students with behavioural disorders using the Neufeld attachment-based developmental approach that is informed by neuroscience and an understanding of the effects of trauma.