Parent Commissioner for Secondary Schools
“Life puts us on many paths and journeys. As a parent I always felt welcomed at my children’s schools and felt a need to be more involved in the school community. I cherish and celebrate the many years of volunteering that I have been able to give as a member of the St Mary’s PPO, Governing Boards of St Mary’s and SLI, RSB Parents COMMITTEE Representative and for the last 7 years a Parent Commissioner for Secondary. I truly feel blessed for all the opportunities I have been given to accompany my children in their Educational journey. At times the path can be a difficult one, however together we can journey it as a team.”

Vice-Chair of the Communication Committee
Executive Committee
Advisory Committee on Special Needs
Governance and Ethics Committee
Communications’ Commitee
Parents’ Committee

Schools zoned in Ward
Centennial Regional High School
Heritage Regional High School
Sant-Lambert International High School
St. Johns School
Short Biography
I recently returned to work after a 14-year hiatus from my professional career in Logistics. These years allowed me to, dedicate myself to volunteering in various aspects of my Community, focus time on my growing family, assist my aging parents, and allowed me time for my own personal self-growth. When we made our family decided that I was going to be a “stay at home mom”, my son eagerly said “less money, but more Mommy” …little did he know how much his words inspired me to share of myself with others.
I look forward to many more years of dedication to the Educational system. Every child needs a cheering squad and as a supportive community, our voices together can help carry a child to reach their personal best.
St. Mary’s School March 2023
Volunteering at St. Mary’s for a special breakfast for the school community (with donations from Breakfast Club Canada). Huge success!
TVRS SouthShore Vibe Interview

St. Mary’s School