
Kindly submit an e-mail to Human Resources at:, 3 weeks before the date that you wish to start the maternity leave (cc the School Principal/Centre Director), indicating:

  • the date that you wish to start the maternity leave (starting on a Sunday);
  • the plan that you wish to take with the Québec Parental Insurance Plan (QPIP), between the 50-week one and the 40-week one;
  • submit a copy of the medical certificate that indicates the expected date of birth.

REMINDER: QPIP requires that you register with them on the Sunday at the start of the maternity leave.

Upon reception of your e-mail, we will:

  • confirm the dates of the maternity leave
    • request that you submit:
      • a copy of the medical document that indicates the baby’s date of birth;
      • a copy of the QPIP Benefit Calculation Chart that indicates the amount that they are paying you
  • send the Record of Employment to Services Canada.

Congratulations on your exciting news, good luck with your pregnancy.

Please also consult the Quebec Parental Insurance Plan for detailed information regarding your maternity/parental/paternity leave