Meet the vibrant and dedicated staff of St. Jude School, where enthusiasm and fun are at the heart of elementary education. Our team of passionate educators is committed to creating a positive and engaging learning environment for every student. From creative lesson plans to exciting extracurricular activities, the St. Jude School staff goes above and beyond to ensure that each child’s educational journey is filled with joy and discovery. Get to know our amazing team who works tirelessly to inspire and empower young minds every day!


Michael Brown, Principal

I have been the Principal at St. Jude since 2020. After teaching in elementary school in Mexico for 2 years and running a language school for two years, I came back to Montreal and taught in high school. I started in admin in 2010 as a high school VP. I then became Principal of Elizabeth Ballantyne school before starting at St. Jude.  I believe that alongside strong foundational skills in literacy, numeracy, and critical thinking, children need to develop adaptability, resilience, and creativity to thrive in an increasingly complex world. Encouraging curiosity, fostering a growth mindset, and promoting collaboration are essential. We need to be equipping children with digital literacy, problem-solving abilities, and socio-emotional skills to enable them to navigate challenges and seize opportunities in the future with confidence and competence. By nurturing a well-rounded education that values both academic achievement and personal development, we empower our elementary school children to become adaptable, innovative, and compassionate leaders of tomorrow.

Lindsay Brooks, Vice-Principal

Judy Brousseau, School Secretary

Elisa Elliot, Office Agent

Hi, I’m Miss Elisa. I have been at St. Jude for six years now and am so proud to be part of a team that strives to support its students’ academic, social, and emotional development. My background in psychology and the arts has focused on the beauty of everyday moments, and I am fortunate to witness such beauty at St. Jude every single day. In my spare time, I love exploring life with photography, mixed media art, books, writing, and most importantly, my family.

Our Wonderful Staff in Alphabetical Order

Allison Abcede, Teacher

I’m new and very excited to be part of the St. Jude’s School community! I’ve been teaching for 13 years and have had the incredible opportunity to teach in Australia for a year. Dance, yoga, kickboxing, hiking and exploring new places are some of my hobbies that keep me energized and balanced. Music and reading a great book fuel my soul. I aspire to make a positive impact on the lives of my students. I want to encourage them to continuously challenge themselves, to be curious, and to never stop learning.

Vangie Arvanitis, Teacher

Hello, I’m Vangie Arvanitis and I teach Kindergarten. I have been teaching at St. Jude for 15 years. I always knew I wanted to become a teacher. Some wonderful teachers inspired me when I was very young. They made a difference in my life and I wish to do the same in return.

When I’m not teaching, I enjoy spending time with my family, hiking, hitting the slopes and travelling.

Stéphanie Austin, Kindergarten Teacher

Je suis Mme Stéphanie. Je suis actuellement une enseignante de Maternelle. Durant mes 7 dernières années à St. Jude, j’ai enseigné différents niveaux de la maternelle à la 4e année. Je suis extrêmement heureuse d’être de retour avec les tout-petits. Lorsque je ne suis pas avec vos enfants, mes filles et moi adorons partir à l’aventure (camping, randonnée, canot) ou faire des projets (tricot, couture, rénovation). Je vous souhaite une merveilleuse année à St. Jude.

Marie-Pier Bertrand, Kindergarten Teacher

Bonjour tout le monde! Je suis Marie Pier Bertrand enseignante de maternelle à St-Jude depuis plusieurs années. J’ai un fils qui se nomme Émile et un gros chien qui s’appelle Jack.

J’adore la musique, le cinéma et le plein air… Je suis également une grande voyageuse!

Annie Bourgeois, Kindergarten Teacher

Je m’appelle Annie Bourgeois et j’enseigne dans le merveilleux monde de la maternelle depuis plusieurs années.  Je suis l’heureuse maman de deux merveilleux enfants: Sharlie et Gabriel.

J’adore le ski, la randonnée en forêt, le jardinage, la peinture, les promenades en bateau et les voyages.

 Vous me trouverez au premier étage, alors venez me voir, il me fera plaisir de vous jaser! 

Victoria Cabral, Teacher Cycle 2/3

My name is Victoria Cabral, and I am a Cycle 2/3 teacher. My teaching career has been shaped by the belief that behind every student is an individual with unique qualities and features. The wonderful staff of St. Jude honors this notion through the unconditional love, care and attention provided to their students. At the heart of my classroom and teaching philosophy is the importance of building community within our class family. In doing so, a caring, accepting, and welcoming learning environment continues to blossom. I am proud to be part of a school that demonstrates a commitment to encourage, motivate and inspire students and staff to challenge themselves, grow from their learning opportunities and develop skills to guide them towards reaching their unique and evolving potential!

Guylaine Chevrette, Teacher Cycle 1

Enseignant depuis plus de 15 ans, au premier cycle pour une 3e année à St-Jude, je suis très heureuse d’évoluer au sein d’une équipe fort dynamique qui, tout comme moi, porte en son cœur le cheminement des enfants dans tous ses aspects. Une belle aventure qui se renouvelle année après année. Un plaisir partagé avec une communauté grandement appréciée.

Que les enfants soient notre priorité, pour le plus grand bien de l’humanité.

Natalie Clahane, Teacher

I was born and raised in Greenfield Park and attended St. Jude School as a student. In 2004, I returned here as a teacher, and it has been my “home away from home” since. It is here where I met some great mentors, but also some amazing friends. I love playing sports with my family, doing Arts and Crafts, biking, swimming, baking and watching my favorite sports teams (especially the Montréal Canadiens)!

They say, “it takes a village to raise a child,” and as a parent of St. Jude as well, I am blessed this village is helping to raise my own children! As for my students I hope they leave my classroom with their hearts full!

Julie Côté, Teacher

Je suis originaire de Montréal. J’ai obtenu mon baccalauréat en éducation musicale à l’Université Laval en 2002. J’oeuvre dans le milieu de l’éducation depuis plus de vingt ans. Je suis pianiste, chanteuse et organiste. J’aspire à transmettre ma passion de la musique à mes élèves. J’adore utiliser les technologies en classe! Dodo, ma marionnette, m’assiste auprès des tout petits. Je suis reconnue pour être souriante et ricaneuse! J’aime prendre des marches dans la nature afin de vivre à plein le moment présent! Je me détends aussi avec la lecture. C’est avec grand plaisir que je partagerai des moments précieux avec vos enfants sous le signe de l’humour et de l’amour.

Elisa Elliot

Hi, I’m Miss Elisa. I have been at St. Jude for five years now and am so proud to be member of a team that strives to support its students’ academic, social, and emotional development. My background in psychology and the arts has focused on the beauty of everyday moments, and I am fortunate to witness such beauty at St. Jude every single day. In my spare time, I love exploring life with photography, mixed media art, books, writing, most importantly, my family.

Mathieu Henry, Teacher

I’ve been a teacher at St-Jude for ten years now. Mostly in cycle 3 but I like the challenge of trying something new. Taking on challenges is something that I think is important to improve yourself. At St-Jude I try to make a difference by challenging the students daily. Not only in their academic work but by improving various aspects of life (respect, problem solving, perseverance, etc.). I also carry that philosophy in my personal life by trying to be the best dad and husband that I can be. My hobbies are also a big part of who I am. I love being outside surfing, hiking, running, climbing or just enjoying nature. I’ve got to move! Travelling is also a big part of who I am. The furthest away from the crowds the better. So, I love being a teacher at St-Jude to see the students take on small or big challenges every day.

Joannie Lafontaine, Teacher Cycle 1


En classe, les élèves m’appellent Mme Joannie. Je suis enseignante à la commission scolaire Riverside depuis 2009. À mes débuts, j’ai enseigné au secondaire et ensuite au cycle 2. J’enseigne maintenant au cycle 1 depuis plusieurs années. J’adore enseigner les mathématiques avec des jeux et lire des albums jeunesse à mes élèves. Pendant mon temps libre, je joue au curling! 

Bonne année scolaire! 

Natasha Matni, Teacher Cycle 3

I have been teaching for about 10 years now.  St. Jude is the first school I ever taught at, and I am so pleased to be back, now teaching Grades 4 & 5! I love to move (working out, yoga, hiking, swimming, etc.) and to learn new languages.  I am currently studying Japanese, in hopes of one day visiting Japan!  I like to think of my teaching style as eclectic and dynamic.  I try to get my students moving as much as possible throughout the day.  It is also very important to me that I help guide my students on their paths to building their self-confidence and to becoming autonomous. 

Mélissandre C. Nadeau


Je suis enseignante à l’école St-Jude depuis 2003. Je suis également maman de 2 grands adolescents, Maëva et Liam. Je suis passionnée de lecture, d’histoires et de sciences. J’adore partager mes passions avec les élèves et en découvrir de nouvelles. Je suis énergique, créative et chaleureuse.  J’aime rendre les cours intéressants en variant les médias et en proposant des projets stimulants.  Chaque journée est une occasion d’apprendre, de grandir et de s’épanouir dans un environnement  où le respect est au cœur de mon enseignement.

Nancy Nickerson

Artist at heart, my passion for teaching is expressed through giving students the opportunity to find their creative outlets. In my classroom, we learn through experience. We need to hear it, see it and live it in order to understand it, whatever the subject may be. We are dancers, musicians, scientists, problem solvers, mentors, and artists each in our own way. Giving students a place in which they feel safe to take risks is one way for them to get excited about learning and become active participants in their own academic growth.

Kora Olsen Martineau, Teacher Cycle 1

Bonjour, je suis la nouvelle enseignante en cycle 1 à l’école St. Jude. Je suis tellement contente de travailler avec les excellent(e)s élèves de la première année. J’ai été chaleureusement accueilli parmi la merveilleuse équipe d’enseignant(e)s.  J’aime les sports, le camping et les animaux. Si tu me cherches dans les corridors, je vais être l’enseignante qui marche avec un gros sourire sur le visage et une collation dans les mains.  

Brian Peddar, CLC Project Development Officer

Hello, my name is Brian Peddar. I am a Project Development Officer with Riverside School Board in the Complimentary Services Dept. I coordinate St. Jude School’s CLC (Community Learning Centre). The CLC facilitates projects and activities that can connect with students, teachers, community etc.  Student success, life-long learning, well-being and community engagement are some of St. Jude CLC’s goals.

Sarah Richard, Teacher Cycle 3

Hi! This is my fourth year teaching cycle 3 at St. Jude’s. I have taught at many levels, in several schools, but St. Jude’s has always been home. 

I strongly believe in the power of the word “yet”, that we’re all learning and, with some effort, will be able to get where we need to be. I feel a class group is a family and strive to have all my students feeling safe and accepted. 

Anick Rivest, Teacher Cycle 2

Bonjour! Je m’appelle Anick Rivest. J’enseigne à l’école St-Jude depuis 13 ans. J’ai enseigné surtout au 2e cycle. J’adore enseigner en 3e et en 4e année car on peut voir une grande évolution des acquisitions en lecture et en écriture du début de la 3e année et la fin de la 4e année. J’aime aussi ce cycle car l’histoire me passionne. Mes passe-temps et loisirs à l’extérieur de l’école sont cuisiner, faire du ski l’hiver et lire. Ce que je préfère par-dessus tout est d’organiser mes futurs voyages.

Giovanna Rodi, Teacher in Cycle 2 Immersion

I love St. Jude because it feels like a home away from home.  As an educator, my goal is to plant the seeds of success by teaching growth mindset and instilling the St. Jude core values.

I am a facilitator on the Student Council Committee. The students who are on this committee meet with us regularly, contribute their ideas and work collaboratively to plan events and improve our school. I believe in empowering children to use their voice, and to make a difference.

Marque Rzeznik, Attendant

My name is Marque Rzeznik – better known as Mr. Marque, I’ve been working at St Jude since 2017. My goal as an attendant and educator is to be able to assist our students in reaching their potential. I want to be a positive anchor in their lives and show them that school is not only important, but something that is also enjoyable. My hobbies include watching movies, the Canadiens, and creating digital art. 

Candice Valentine, Kindergarten Teacher

Hello, my name is Ms. Candice and I teach the four-year-old Kindergarten class here at St Jude. I love reading picture books with my students and embarking on whatever adventure it takes us on! Teaching here at St Jude brings back memories to when I was a student here! Please don’t be shy to say hello if you see me in the parks with my two daughters! 

Lucie Vallières, Teacher Cycle 2 and 3

Je suis enseignante de 4e-5e année en immersion française depuis 2017 et je fais partie de la merveilleuse équipe de St.Jude depuis septembre 2019. 

Mon passe-temps préféré est la lecture et j’adore transmettre ma passion et lire des romans à mes élèves. L’école St. Jude est un endroit incroyable parce que nous avons des élèves incroyables, curieux et remplis de potentiel. J’aime voir les élèves entrer dans ma classe avec un sourire parce qu’ils savent qu’ils vont apprendre des nouvelles choses et avoir du plaisir. Mes élèves savent qu’ils feront aussi des erreurs en chemin, mais qu’ils apprendront encore plus grâce à leurs erreurs. Mon but est que les enfants commencent la journée avec un sourire, et la terminent en étant fiers d’eux et en ayant déjà hâte de revenir à l’école.