The process is the same whether the complaint is verbal or written.  At each stage, the complainant or the person involved may present their observations in order to facilitate the complaint resolution process. The response of the person involved may be in the form of a verbal response.

Step 1

Speak directly to the person(s) involved.

The complainant communicates either orally or in writing first with the person directly involved and the School/Centre Administration or Department to give their point of view and to try to find a solution.    A response must be given to the complainant within ten (10) working days from receipt of the complaint.  If the person or the administration maintains their decision, they will give their reasons to the complainant.  The response will be in writing if the original communication was in writing.

If the concern persists, go to Step 2.

Step 2

Issue unresolved? Contact the Complaint Officer

A complainant who is not satisfied with the response, may file a written complaint with the Complaints Officer, who will have fifteen (15) working days from the date the complaint was received to give a response.   The complainant and the person involved in the complaint will have an opportunity to give their respective points of view.  The Complaints Officer will attempt to mediate between the two parties in order to find a solution.  If mediation fails, the decision of the administration will stand.  The response of the Complaints Officer will be sent in writing to the Complainant as well as to the person directly involved and their immediate superior.

The Complaints Officer may take up a file even if the previous step has not been completed, when the intervention is deemed necessary to prevent the Complainant from suffering harm.


The School Board will take the necessary measures to ensure the confidentiality of the complaints process and to avoid any reprisals against the Complainant.

Thank you for communicating with respect, understanding and patience.
Let’s continue to be courteous and considerate.
Thank you.

Quick Links

Examination of Complaints (By-Law 14)

For disclosure of wrongdoings, please click here.